Hiring a postdoc interested in IIoT network security

I am looking for a postdoc interested in Industrial Internet-of-Thing (IIoT) network security and privacy. The postdoc will be funded by the PEPR5g ANR project, work under my supervision at and join EURECOM’s S3 group. I can start hiring from the beginning of this summer.

My research revolves around applied system security and privacy (e.g., security assessment, vulnerability analysis and exploitation of deployed systems). To get a feeling, please see my website and publications.

If you are interested please send me (daniele.antonioli@eurecom.fr) an HTML-less email containing:

  • [PEPR5G] in the email subject
  • The names and email addresses of two referrer (e.g., PhD advisors) in the email body
  • A CV with a list to publications in PDF
  • A short research statement in PDF (max 2 pages) explaining why you are interested in IIoT network security and privacy, what you did so far and are what you planning to do in this research area

Elseif you know someone that might be interested, please spread the word.


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