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On the Insecurity of Vehicles Against Protocol-Level Bluetooth Threats

Talk on Automotive Bluetooth Security at AMUSEC'25.

Cars are some of the most security-critical consumer devices. On the one hand, owners expect rich infotainment features, including audio, hands-free calls, contact management, or navigation through their connected mobile phone. On the other hand, the infotainment unit exposes exploitable wireless attack surfaces. This talk focuses on protocol-level Bluetooth threats on vehicles, a critical but unexplored wireless attack surface. These threats are crucial because they are portable across vehicles, and they can achieve impactful goals, such as accessing sensitive data or even taking remote control of the vehicle. Their evaluation is novel as prior work focused on other wireless attack surfaces, notably Bluetooth implementation bugs. Among relevant protocol-level threats, we pick the KNOB and BIAS attacks because they provide the most effective strategy to impersonate arbitrary Bluetooth devices and are not yet evaluated against vehicles.




Why is Hard to Secure Mobile Proximity Services

Mobile devices such as phones, tablets, and wearables enable proximity services on a large scale. These services use wireless technologies (such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth) to connect users within a specific range and exchange information. Proximity information ranges from general-purpose files and contacts to privacy-preserving COVID-19 proximity identifiers. Since these services affect millions of mobile users worldwide, their security against cyber threats is paramount. It is not pleasant if an attacker in proximity (or even remotely) can eavesdrop on private communication or tamper with personal data. However, adopting (even essential) security mechanisms for proximity services is easy in theory but pretty hard in practice. For example, it is challenging to provide confidentiality and authenticity while at the same time provide energy-efficient and accurate proximity tracing. On top of that, a usable proximity service has to scale well with the number of users and provide the same quality of services across different software and hardware ecosystems (e.g., Android and iOS) and usage condition (e.g., indoor and outdoor). In this talk, we look at two commercial proximity services. First, Google’s Nearby Connections (NC) is an API to connect Android devices using a combination of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and without requiring an Internet connection. Second, Google/Apple’s Exposure Notification (EN) framework. EN powers most COVID-19 contact-tracing mobile applications in Europe, including the ones used in Italy, Germany, and Switzerland. Throughout the talk, the audience will learn, among others, real-world proximity services' architectures, pitfalls, vulnerabilities, attacks, countermeasures, and related research trends.


BIAS and KNOB attacks against Bluetooth BR/EDR/LE

Bluetooth is a ubiquitous technology for low power wireless communications. Bluetooth runs on billions of devices including mobile, wearables, home automation, smart speakers, headsets, industrial and medical appliances, and vehicles. As a result, Bluetooth’s attack surface is huge and includes significant threats such as identity thefts, privacy violations, and malicious device control. Bluetooth is a complex technology specified in an open standard. The standard defines two wireless stacks Bluetooth Classic for high throughput services (e.g., audio and voice) and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for very low power services (e.g., localization, and monitoring). The standard defines security mechanisms to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of Bluetooth communications. Those mechanisms include pairing to share a long term key among two devices, and secure session establishment to let two paired devices negotiate session keys to protect their communication. A single vulnerability in a standard-compliant security mechanism translates into billions of exploitable devices. This talk reviews several standard-compliant vulnerabilities that we recently uncovered on the key negotiation and authentication mechanisms of Bluetooth Classic and BLE. We also describe how to exploit such vulnerabilities to perform key negotiation attacks on Bluetooth Classic and BLE (KNOB attacks, CVE-2019-9506) and impersonation attacks on Bluetooth Classic (BIAS attacks, CVE-2020-10135). The attacks are presented together with a detailed description of the Bluetooth treat model and the affected security mechanism. We also explain how we implemented such attacks using low-cost hardware and open-source software and how we evaluated them on actual devices from the major vendors including Apple, Broadcom, Cypress, CSR, Google, Intel, Microsoft, and Qualcomm. Finally, we describe how the Bluetooth standard was amended after the disclosure of our attacks, our proposed countermeasures, and why most of the Bluetooth devices are still vulnerable to our attacks.